"I don't have to be a product of my environment;
my environment can be a product of myself."
- DaJohn White
An Investment in The Future You Want to Create
The Global Change Incubator is a 9-month learning experience created for people interested in learning how the mind can unlock sustainable individual, community, and systemic change on issues of any scale.
What is the Incubator About?
The goal of the Global Change Incubator is to accelerate the speed, expand the depth, and ensure the sustainability of the impact you're trying to make in your work. To do this, we will take an in-depth look at how the human mind is designed and works for us all, and how that affects the state of our organizations and world. This simple but profound focus naturally creates powerful insights that increase your capacity and creativity as a leader and makes you pressure-proof when dealing with uncertain and challenging environments. Not only that, but you get to help others do the same!
Who is the Incubator for?
The Global Change Incubator is designed to educate, support, and mobilize leaders of community, organizational, systemic and global change. This includes, but is not limited to, non-profit leaders, entrepreneurs, youth-leaders, principals and teachers, social justice activists, coaches, community and grass-roots change-makers, environmental stewards, public policy developers, researchers, thought leaders, and all humans that want to make a positive impact on the world.
Interested in seeing the fine details? We've laid it all out in an Info Package -- just click on the button below.
Your facilitators, guest speakers and colleagues are leaders and changemakers from diverse backgrounds, including the criminal justice system, schools, youth mentoring, environmental conservation, social impact entrepreneurship, and thought leadership. We also invite you and all the participants of the Global Change Incubator to bring an impact challenge or project to the group and regularly share your ideas and progress, in order to collaborate and source innovative ideas with other participants.
Leaders of the IOS Collective

Prince incubator

Tamarjay Polk

Dajohn Incubator

Derrick Clark

Brandon Evans Sr

Conscious Awareness changing the world | Eirik Olsen & Mara Gleason Olsen | TEDxSarsen

Conscious Awareness changing the world | Dajohn White & Prince Jimmar | TEDxSarsen

Anna - The Insight Alliance
A nine-month experience designed to uncover your mind's capacity to create individual, community, and systemic change.
Module Schedule: Day 1 & 2: 10am - 5pm EST, Day 3: 10am - 2pm EST
Webinar Schedule: 1:30pm - 3:00pm EST
Subject to adjustment
MAR 23, 24, 25 - Module 1: Why the Mind?
Exploring the internal foundations of societal change, and how to bring that understanding to your organization or mission
APR 20, 21, 22 - Module 2: From Micro to Macro
How your personal understanding of the mind is linked to community, systemic and global change.
MAY 20 - Webinar
MAY - All Month: Job Shadowing
Experience how change happens from seeing it first hand. You will sit in on actual training and workshops and debrief with our faculty.
JUN 17 - Webinar
JUN - All Month: Job Shadowing
Experience how change happens from seeing it first hand. You will sit in on actual training and workshops and debrief with our faculty.
JUL 20, 21, 22 - Module 3: How to Facilitate Change
Gain the skills to lead and facilitate change for any problem at any scale Case studies, live demos, and curricula training
AUG 19 - Webinar
SEPT 16 - Webinar
SEPT - All Month: Job Shadowing
Experience how change happens from seeing it first hand. You will sit in on actual training and workshops and debrief with our faculty.
OCT 5, 6, 7 - Module 4: Re-imagining the World
Explore how humanity has the potential to reinvent itself and the systems that drive our world. Launch final projects.
NOV 4 - Webinar
DEC 10 - Final Celebration: Setting Our Direction
A final gathering to present final projects, celebrate and hatch plans to continue making impact together in the future.
Individual mentoring on your project with faculty members.
Work with fellow participants on your project and help them with theirs.
Sign up for the Shadowing experience and you'll gain access to a virtual internship experience, seeing the program leaders and their teams in action.
You'll have an amazing opportunity to see The SPARK Initiative, The Insight Alliance, Rebels for Peace, and One Solution behind the scenes!
Bring your own impact project to the course - over the course of 10 months, you'll receive feedback, mentorship, accountability, and peer collaboration to help you tap into the full power of your thinking and better solve your most pressing individual, organization, community, or global challenge.
What leads to deep, sustainable change, what doesn’t, and why?
Access and in-depth training in IOS Collective curricula for prisons, schools, youth and parents.
Access to audiovisual materials, and experience creating your own materials and curricula

World Class Virtual Experience
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Change Incubator will be offered entirely online and will add in-person experiences when possible, based on CDC recommendations.
The organizations that comprise the IOS Collective have had ample experience adapting our programs to run virtually and will create a dynamic and interactive online experience. We do not just do typical zooms. We do high quality virtual experiences.
This is a true one-of-a-kind experience, designed to address the many requests we get for training and mentoring on “how to do what we do”.
Choose the experience that makes sense for you.
$0 - $12,000 USD
We are able to give out a limited number of full or partial scholarship, by application and interview only.
*Scholarships are contingent on sponsorships. To sponsor a Global Change Incubator Scholarship, click here